Monday, July 4, 2016

More home life

How greatful I am that we have freedom of our life as we celebrate 4th of July 2016, we've had a nice back yard picnic with friends and a great day yesterday spend with our children and some of their friends,
I'd like to say more about life back home as I was growing up,  Sister Lizzie was after Amanda and she was my 2nd. and 3rd. grade school teacher so I have tons of memories of her, I'd say most likely my favorite older sister as Saloma and I pulled pranks on her all the time, and she had fun and laughed with us, I always thought Katie and Amanda were boss over me, :-P

As we walked about a mile to school and back every day, the highlight of it was when the school bus went past us, , the scholars throwing candies out the windows for us and watching us run like chickens to  pick it up. :)
Oh how I dreaded to come home and get a glimpse of a pile of dishes in the sink for us to wash!!  Yep, it happened all the time as part of our all evening chores, we were allowed to have a snack and then wash dishes, gather eggs and feed chickens, milk cows, carry wood for the stove, and then eat supper, wash dishes again, wash our feet and get ready for bed, that's a normal evening after school.
In the mornings we got up around 5:30, went outside to milk cows and mom usually made breakfast while we were outside, and I'm tellin you, her breakfast was always graded A from me, delicious homemade biscuits and gravy, sausage and scrambled eggs,  or fried corn mush with tomatoegravy, or even cornbread and beans.
Then again, off to school at 8 a.m by walking,
So let's tell some stories of Lizzie',  She watched over us little ones quite often when mom wasn't there and we loved to jump out at her from behind a wall to make her scream or laugh, as she was of age (21 or older) she had her own sewing machine upstairs in her room, Saloma an I would quietly go upstairs and from under the bed we were able to reach out and touch her feet, she literally jumped off her seat screaming. :-D  I know Lizzie, that was terrible but we had fun!!
Lizzie now has about a dozen of her own children and also a grandchild, and I very seldom go see them because of our life differences, not that I wouldn't want to see them more often but also want to respect their wishes. .
When she got married in Tenn. with an Ohio boy, she ended up moving to Ohio after a few years of marriage,
so stay tuned for another story down the road of  how I ended up in ohio. :)
 'All because of Lizzie'.