Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving weekend my mind goes back again... to the Amish life.
And I love to reflect on all the things I have had in the past and how thankful I am to be where I'm at today,
I'm so thankful I am able to use a shower,  refrigerator , electric washer and dryer, especially in the cold winter it's  huge for me,  and let's not forget the CAR , yes!! the vehicle is the best to get around with ,  it's like living in .. what they call microwave world for REAL!! Every time I see a buggy without a windshield in the winter, I'm once again reminded of the bitter cold face it gave me driving that horse.
And then being able to bless my children with a different mindset and  things I didn't  have is such a blessing of freedom ,
I was taught i would go to the fire (hell) if I would have any of these modern things,  and disobey the promises I made with the church ,  (which will be another story for later, )
 so there was no way I could ever leave and not question if I'm doomed for hell,

Getting back to more about my home life,
I wanted to talk about Lovina and Abraham as I remember them at the Tennessee home,
    Perhaps they are both more quiet and sincere, I know lovina as a gentle soft hearted sister who is loving and giving ,  she was the Saturday pastry baker and the best cook ever,  she is the one who told me what female cycles are after my surprise showed up on my clothes,  ðŸ˜£   yes, why keep that a secret from girls who are old enough to go through it themselves ,  just tell your girls already,  for real!! it's a normal conversation at my house ever since my girls were little ,  no big deal. But
Lovina is married and has children and grandchildren.
Abraham was really good at milking cows and working on the farm forsure ,  he went into a health crisis in his teenage years where he had stafinfection and had to change his diet from the rest of us and it's been a tough road for him, but he is now doing well with holistic living and has a wonderful family of his own ,
Then it's my brother Ura which married to Abraham's wife's sister when I was 14,
He was a little ornery and mischievous , he loved trying out new things and draw attention to himself ,  that's right Ura , whether you like it or not you could be a good leader if you weren't trapped in the Amish religion ,  or wait,!! you could be a big leader right where you are at. 😉  I haven't seen Ura for so long that tears well up in my eyes as I write this ,  I really do miss our family talks and laughter ,  we used to have lots of fun just being silly and arguing about little things, and then life changes and we don't see each other for years.    Not that I regret my life choice ,  no, not at all, I just wish we could come visit you guys, and see some of your children  for the very first time.
To be continued . ...
Tennessee farm barn.