Sunday, January 1, 2017

 Christmas and New Years!!

Christmas was an exciting time growing up as we looked forward to receiving a few surprises on the kitchen table Christmas morning, either mom, dad or one of older siblings was to be Santa Claus as we would call it, (even though we didn't believe in Santa) they would set our plates for morning breakfast and fill them with candy and a little surprise of toy,  😊  yes, literally that was all we got but we were as happy as ever,
 And in school as our teacher usually gave out brown paper bags of hard candy, an orange and perhaps a Keychain of some kind, we cherished that candy for sometimes a few months.
    I have lots of treasured memories in the old Tennessee one room school house where I graduated 8th. Grade.
Everything from teachers who whooped our buds with a leather belt for cheating to stealing leftovers from our lunch buckets while we had outside recess, ...
...from fun games with students and best friends to enemies who made fun of every move you made, we had it all!!!!    Don't think low self-esteem isn't created in LIKELY every Amish child around,  we did not get complimented for doing good things, it was expected of us to do good, and if we didn't do it we got put down.    

  Even though I enjoyed my childhood and was very privileged to not go through abuse like some do, I lived in fear of doing something wrong to where I would go to hell when I die,  (as fire) it was ingrained in us that we have to obey the parents at all times and if we don't...we could go to hell unless they find out about it and have the opportunity to punish us before we died then we would be forgiven. we approach a new year again 2017, I'm encouraged and excited to live even a free'r life then ever,😍  
Yes, I still miss family.... especially through the holidays,
 but we are so blessed to be where we are at, that our eyes have been opened to truth,
and being with like minded people from all over and accepting us as family. ❤  We appreciate you all!!!
   We keep learning and growing everyday.

                 Happy New Year!!!!!