Monday, August 22, 2016

'Chickens and chores'

Back to my childhood of canning, chores and chickens.
Canning slowed down around September as school started, until winter came around then we would butcher chickens, beef and pork.
Yep!! The whole shubang of meets. :)

Chores with my brother Jacob would get quite interesting as we gather the eggs and see rats running, or find opossums in the nests which made me scream me guts out.
Telling mom that we saw a rat in the chicken house and her not believing us, was enough to prove it to her, saying we'll go ketch one and show her,
Of course I wasn't going to do the ketch,, Jacob assured me that I get to chase the rat by kicking the wall and he would ketch it when it runs through the broken wall,
Sure enough,' it worked'!! :-D
He caught it by its neck and in we go as proud as ever to show mom.  Lol..
Finding mom sitting at a quilt and stitching it , she jumped up screaming and telling us to get out with that thing and kill it. :)
Not sure how Jacob got rid of that thing then but....
 her laughing with us afterwards was always a good feeling of accomplishment.

So... as I talked about sister Lizzie, plus more to come,  first I'll tell ya about Lovina the calm and good girl, always soft spoken and gentle, seriously don't remember her ever yelling. :-D she was the baking queen as I remember her and definitely there to please anyone and everyone!!!
Was I ever lucky when she was the oldest at home as I never got a spanking from her.
But she ended up dating Mose G. which has had left the amish at one point in his teen age years, was he gonna get her to turn to a wild side? Curiosity streamed my little 11 year old mind.
They got married, I worked at their house as a 13 year old maid once when  Lovina was unable to cook for themselves and they had little Saloma about a year old already, that's when I learned how to cook breakfast because usually at home I would go out to milk cows and mom would cook breakfast, so my chance to learn and fail was at hand. :-P
I'd say I didn't do too bad, other than my nerves were sky high because I didn't dare to act like it wasn't normal for me to do breakfast, , like,,, I'm 13 I should know everything by now.  Haha. .
Let's continue with Abraham. . .