Saturday, May 13, 2017

Preacher's in Kentucky!! 🤔
'Amish Stress'
(This is not connected to my last write up but I'll get to that another time, )
When you have such a vivid memory of Preacher's, bra's and underwear then you just got to jod it down. 😊
As you know teenagers, 'well, I've been there but totally in a different world than what my own children are experiencing,

As pops went off to another state to visit relatives for a week or 2 with a greyhound bus, the rest of us were accountable to look out for everything and all the work at home, which my sister and I just loved!!
We would quickly do our chores and pick strawberries or whatever was in season at the time, so That we had some free time to sit at the sewing machine and make something​that Mom would most likely get in trouble for if she'd let us wear, we kept it secret to protect our parents, right!! So we thought. It didn't take very long until Preacher's came to our house to see Mom, claiming my sister and I are wearing bras, 🤔 well we could say they weren't bras because they were homemade tops and didn't look like bras AT. All!!
By that time mom had seen our swiftly sewn tops, and thought there shouldn't be anything wrong with them, 'Relief for us',
But sure nuff, people were talking about us wearing bras and dressing too stylish,
I guess they were staring at our boobs and wanting to see them on our bellies like all mothers. Ugh!!! Not gonna happen, so we kept wearing them 😍 and if I remember right mom ended up showing the preachers what we wore to satisfy their nose.👃
We weren't allowed any elastic in our clothes so that means homemade underwear, Yes, be sure to size them right or else they will end up down by your feet. True!!
Even the guys weren't allowed to wear any under their denims. Sad, I know. 😓
But funny thing is when I got married with a wild boy from Lodi 😂 he was wearing elastic underwear, but always took them to English friends to wash them before we married, so now I had to keep those hidden from all people, and how do I dry them without hanging them out on the line or even in my laundry room? Anyone can bust in your house without knocking, 🤔 how's this going to work??
Talk about stress!! Amish stress.
Let's just leave!! Shall we?
Not so fast, let's take more time. Ok. ⏳