Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Amish teenage girl'.

Continued... from 'Amish teenage Girl' meeting this Boy in Ohio!!

I'm back with a little bit more of what happens in my life as a 20 year old going to my brothers wedding in Canada,
As I mentioned Joe and his brother Isaac came to KY. in October and November we went to brother Jacob and Anna's wedding, Joe and I got to be a couple sitting with the wedding party as you call it,
And you wouldn't believe what happened the weekend after the wedding, 😁
He asked me if I would marry him!!  Like what!?!?!    I was shocked. 🙈  Although I was thinking we would get married one day but why so quickly?! Well one reason for marriage,, he was 25 already and living by himself (being a bachlor) so I assumed he wanted a wife to cook for him, (ok that's weird thinking but all kinds of things rushed through my mind why I should be ok with getting married, 🙏 As I paused for a few minutes I finally said yes I would!!  I know I didn't show any kind of excitement. Poor guy!! 😜
 But let me tell you what happens to my sister, although I won't take away from her story since she has a blog too and shares her own life, but she ends up seeing Isaac (Joe's Brother) 😍 pretty much the very same time Joe and I started dating.

I know I need to back up and tell you about my 2 sisters just older then my brother Jacob,
Sarah and Emma they married brothers too!! Their men were from our small settlement, so they were able to see each other every other weekend plus at church in-between their date night, and yes we had in home kitchen date nights with a rocking chair and the girl sitting on the boy.  🙈 I know!! I know!!! Embarrassing!!!
 Almost as embarrassing as bed courtship, The Southern states had a rule for no bed courtship while Ohio and up North the rule was they have to practice bed courtship. 😮
 So... when Joe came to see me in KY. We spent the night in the kitchen and when I went to Ohio we would be in the bedroom where I slept.
It all comes down to tradition and man made rules and if we disobey then we get in trouble, and yes there was not supposed to be any sex and yet we girls never got a teaching on that subject other than make sure your dress stays in place.  😳
Before I had joined church my sister was being shunned for some reason but we as non members were not to know why she's not eating with the rest of us at the table but we knew it had to be a church ordered punishment because no one talked about it.
And if we would leave the Amish we were taught that we would go to hell after we die unless we come back to repentance.

Infact I just received a letter this month from my dad (September 9/2017) for my birthday!!
He starts out by saying this...
 Dear precious, I often think of you and you are not in plain clothes as taught & have chosen the style of modern psychology that tends to offer forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, religion without the Holy Spirit, peace without pain and this all adds up to false peace and hope. Mom went to her grave with sorrows and a broken heart with weeping and I'm weeping with her, she has done her part for you and the time of Christ is nigh.

Kind of a sad birthday letter Dad, but it's ok. Thanks for writing me,  but I did think that you realize by now that I don't live by false hope, I guess I need to come visit you more often. (I do care about you and love you Dad.)
 I'm not living for religion but only for Jesus, He is loving, kind, understanding, caring, gentle, encouraging, forgiving and there's nothing false about Him, He heals my broken heart, I will not to go my grave weeping but rather fully knowing that Jesus has paid the price and all is well with me, and my children will grow up knowing the truth about Jesus instead of religion and condemnation. 💖💖 And Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to live by. 💖💖

Okay, I really didn't know I'm gonna write all this and talk about my dad when I started,  but it just came out so there you go, 😀 and I'll have to tell you our wedding story later which includes not being able to invite one of my brothers because him and his family were excommunicated. 😔