Monday, November 7, 2016

Coming back home from a stay at the Gaylord in Dallas Texas and being with my sister and lots of great friends, :) Then running into this couple presenting the candidates in costumes at a party reminded me again how important voting is this year,
Yes, I hear some people say it's a hard decision this year, 🤔 Really??? What do you stand for?? Life or death?? It's that simple 'I'm thinking'!!
But of course I don't want to I may quietly disagree or depending how well I know you I'll just straight out tell you to check the screws which connect your neck to your head, 🙄
Really if you vote for someone how is under investigation then ...... well I won't go there.
But I will say if we would not have illegal immigrants here then my cousin may have not been raped, he got deported after the incident but too late, and very sad, Yes, you can read her story by purchasing her book, 'the runaway Amish girl' by Emma Gingrich.

And if you disagree with both candidates and therefore you will vote secondary, well.....then you might as well vote for your own neighbor because those votes won't count, so please don't throw your vote to the pigs. 😣

Also if you consider yourself so spiritual that you will just pray and believe hat God chooses the right one for this country, 🙏 Nothing against praying and believing, I've been there done that. But I have a question for those who still live in that mindset,
How does food get on your table? Do you just pray and believe it shows up? I highly doubt it, I bet you go to work and prepare that food, you do what you can physically to receive your outcome.
So shouldn't you do your part in voting for whoever supports your morals ??
Think about life or death in more than the physical body, it's also life of being free and keep our country safe, life of prosperity and not welfare government.
What do you choose??
Make the choice tomorrow if you haven't already voted. 😍 we are His people to make a change for this nation. God bless America.