Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Living in Kentucky

Continued....  After the funeral, back to Kentucky and nothing to be excited about, until I experienced a newness of life which I wasn't even sure or know about, but one night before I could fall asleep but my sister was sleeping, and I whispered to God that I want to know whether I would go to hell or heaven if I'd die, and He gave me the scripture of John 3:16 and tears of joy came strolling out of my eyes and I felt Joy that I've never felt before,  I knew at that moment I am going to heaven, but would have never dared tell anyone what I've experienced or how I've felt, because they would think I received a weird believe and I'm being deceived by the devil, 😈
and I myself didn't know what happened and why I feel like living again. 💘
But as I wrote letters to friends and family members I would write things about the Lord that I wouldn't​ have before and my parents noticed as the rule was they read our letters before they were sent off, to prevent us from writing bad things. 😵😂
I over heard them (dad's) talking about my letters one evening after they were in bed, yes, I snuck downstairs and sat at the bottom steps to hear them talking.
 I was scared they would talk to me about it but thankfully never did. Weesh!!
 I had a desire to be baptized at that time but I  only turned 16, but I decided to be ok with it, my friend Lizzie was joining church, plus a couple boys, so I decided to go ahead,

Not until I sat in the ordnung church did I realize it's not what I wanted, I didn't want to get baptized for  nothing but rules,
They keep a lot things secret until you join church...then you are allowed to know that people get banned when they disobey in certain things, or they have to confess in front of the whole church when they disobey the rules,
I felt like I've gotten myself into something I'll never be able to undo. 😮
A few months later is when I decided the rules are bogus!! Not for me to live by,
which means a wild girl. 😜
Trouble!! Trouble.