Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Adventure to Vegas

This time zone change really wakes me up early here in Vegas, what an experience to fly into Vegas, literally a HUGE city in the desert, I had to think about Moses how his people wandered in the wilderness,
'I've heard Vegas is sin city', but really haven't been looking around much to see a whole lot, our hotel is not even what I was expecting for such a famous city, seriously!!! Could I get my money back? 😂
For one it stinks like old smoke as soon as you come in the door, and gets worse as you walk through the lobby full of gambling games.

Seriously!! Waking up at 4:30 and not being able to sleep again, 😯 ha!  But I'm so overjoyed to see my sister here and ketch up with life again.
We are both at a convention with the company we work with and it has been such a great experience and life changing to hear so many health crisis overcome,
How i thank God for great health.!!    Oh, goodness! This is the end of June already,  back home in Ohio again, wheeww!! What a great adventure we had.
 Now it's back to action with work for both my husband and I,  I am forever greatful that my husband passed his CDL license and is now able to have a job that he loves, 'it seems to make everyone in house happy when things go well',
  Our girls are gone to a church camp this week which leaves the house feeling a bit empty, but they are having a great time and it's good for their heart.

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