Thursday, September 7, 2017

'Amish Teenage Girl'

Let me tell you how it all went went down in my teenage years,  well let's just start at 17 because that's when I joined the youth Sunday night singings and was hopeful to meet a boy to marry before I become an old maid, ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Yeah!!! Once you hit 25 with no boyfriend you are pretty much on a list of becoming an old maid and ... well that life seemed really boring to me and I surely didn't want to be one,
 but in a community with hardly any boys was purtty tuff, I imagined I would most likely find someone out of state in another settlement,
So ... after being chosen  a few times in different weddings as a 'Nava hucker' (brides maid)
in different communities I knew there's hope for marriage if I wanted to settle but I wasn't interested in any of the 3 boys who had chosen me, ๐Ÿค”
 Mom said I was too picky and I should settle for a boy close by our community to prevent long distance relationship, ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ƒ
My brother and I went to Canada for a wedding and he saw a girl that he pursuit and ended up marring her the following year ........but let me back up and tell you how my sister Saloma (17) and I (19) got to go to visit our sister Lizzie and her family in Ohio in April by greyhound bus by ourselves and because of no phone/quick communication to let Lizzie's family know that we are coming
 we arrived at West Salem bus stop with no one to pick us up.
We began walking towards the grocery store and met an amish boy walking towards us, I must say he was looking pretty handsome and I liked him but really knew nothing about him other than hearing things through the grapevine that the Schrock boys were rebels! ๐Ÿ˜œ.    Lo and behold this was one of them boys!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Saloma and I went on his buggy and he took us to our sisters ๐Ÿ .
Next day was Sunday and church for my sister's family and they are in the same church district as the Schrock boys, which meant we will see them at the singing. ๐Ÿ˜
What happened next!!!??
Well, well, well!! It so happened that this Schrock boy that gave us a buggy ride on Saturday wanted to see me Sunday night after the singing.!!   I got Butterflies and feelings like I hadn't had before, ๐Ÿ™ˆ
but as it all ended ... Saloma and I stayed 2 more Sundays so this Schrock boy came to see me again the last Sunday of me being in Ohio and his brother came to see my sister.

We went home to Kentucky and with the distance between us and not knowing each other, we just kept writing letters back an forth all summer until October Joe and Isaac came to KY. to see me an my sister and that's when Joe officially ask me to be his girlfriend. ๐Ÿ˜
November I went to Canada to my brothers wedding and was bridesmaid with Joe by my side, thinking I'm with the right guy. ๐Ÿ’– be continued