Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Growing up Amish

As I'm sitting here at a vacation spot in North Carolina, my thoughts go back to my childhood in Tennessee, oh, how I loved to go spend time with my uncle Dannie's family, their daughter Fannie and son Jonas were my best buddies, they lived with grandma and grandpa Gingerich, so we got to go see them quite often, no offense to my 2 cousins but I did have another favorite that I often wished would live with the grandparents so that I could see her more often, my cousin Anna which was only 2 weeks older than myself, and we would get together for the night as often as we were allowed which seemed like maybe once or twice a year, as they lived quite a ways off by horse an buggy.

Grandpa Ura was getting older, he loved to tease me with his funny character, and poke me with his cane an pinch me to where I had to cry and then give me a penny to make me feel better, I really did not like to go to his house, I'd much rather sneak away and play with my cousin Fannie and Jonas.
Grandma on the other hand was gentle and didn't like when grandpa made me cry, she was hard to hear you talk so you always had to yell when you talked so that she could understand you,  but I always felt like I had to walk on needles around there so that I don't get in trouble,  wink 


  1. Interesting... My maiden last name is Gingerich

  2. Oh that's awesome! what if we'd be related?!:)

  3. Oh that's awesome! what if we'd be related?!:)
