Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Home life

What a gorgeous day in Ohio, my love coming home from a work trip to New York and me driving around taking care of appointments for our children, and the funniest thing sister from another state seems to have a mind very similar to mine, could be scary or a good thing, right? :-P  We've been best friends growing up and many times taken as twins by the englishers, it seems like even now adays we mimic each other without talking about it, for instance, I start a blog, and she starts a blog at the same time, when I start writing she has just posted something, :-D  we even married brothers!! But one difference is she's a natural blonde and I'm brown, and she has 1 more child than I do. :)

Going back to our childhood, Saloma an I did everything together, or took turns with the things we weren't fond of,
We had lots of chores, such as washing dishes, carrying wood for the wood stove, gathering eggs, feeding chickens, calves, and milking cows by hand, yes!! Saloma did not start milking a cow at 9 years old like I did, :/ that's one thing I held against her for a long time, thinking our life isn't fair because I have to do things at a younger age then her. Haha, what a misery for myself!!

I also have many other sisters and brothers, there were 14 of us at home,but the 2 oldest got married before my youngest brother was born, I barely remember anything of the 2 oldest Katie and Herman, other then  their wedding days, and that Kstie was bossy when mom wasn't at home, :-/ I was only 5 years old when Katie and Herman got married.  
Then there was Amanda, I don't remember a whole lot of her at home either, the best memory was after she was married, Saloma and I got to spend a week a her house, I guess mostly to help pass her time as she didn't have a baby right away, now on the other hand Katie and Herman had a baby before my youngest brother was born, so guess what I did!? I went to Hermans house to help out with a fussy newborn after the baby was a few weeks old, and I got very homesick and they finally took me home, (not sure how long I was there)  
and I'm not done talking about Herman because we all worked very hard to help him get started in his married life, passing out in his corn field chopping weeds, etc.

There's still 11 other siblings to talk about. .....continued



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lived neighbors with Herman and worked with and for him a lot...a very intelligent man

    1. Yes, intelligent indeed, and minds his own business, an still appreciates us when we come around.
